Sep 3, 2010


When in France, September is the month were people comes back from their vacations and the beginning of September is spent kissing everyone hello and asking them about what they did.  It is like in school where the first week is spent writing essays about 'What I Did on my Summer Vacation'.  The French call it 'Rentrée'  -- Return.  Today what my Rentrée.  I had left for France on Aug 1st.  Even though I worked remotely for 2 weeks, besides a few emails to my co-workers, we really didn't communicate much.  Then the beginning of this week I was at a conference, so today was my first day back at work.  Turns out my tan has faded a bit, not so impressive;(  Sadly almost no one else went away, so asking them about their vacations was meant with grime looks.
Before I left, I had to move all of the stuff out of my office so they could do some furniture rearragement.  So besides catching up on email and seeing people, I spent some time reorganizing stuff.
I still have lots of candy to give out and plenty of projects to catch-up on...

I have to say, that it is kind of nice being away, but it is good to finally be back home to my pillow and my own bed;)

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