My verb conjugation in French is really crappy. So I have been trying really hard to make an effort. Sometimes I ask S and A about it. This leads me to wonder if they are really French at all when they have no idea. Do you think that I could find a certified French teacher for my next au pair;) So I listen. A and S are constantly speaking French to the kids. The funny thing I noticed is that "The One" is all powerful. One goes to the store. Did the one tell you not to hit your brother? One went to the zoo. No wonder I can think of how to conjugate verbs for 'we'. We never does anything, its always 'The One'. When visiting my MIL in August, I noticed that she does that too and I was very confused.
Her:One can go to the store.
Me: Who?
Me: I got to the store or you go to the store.
Her: My BF and I go to the store.....
Perhaps all of this 'one' business will be good for my Jedi training. Until then, maybe I need to take a French grammar class....
Hey B, that should be helpful:
Actually "on" in those cases you mentionned really stands for "we" (as in me + other more or less random people) and is not considered "proper french" but is now used largely...